The GOP is Creating a Handmaid’s Tale America

S. Novi
Democracy Guardian
Published in
11 min readAug 12, 2018


Image Source: Hulu

In only a few years we will hit the one hundred year milestone for American women achieving the right to vote. But voting was just a small step, because within the lifetime of many that are around, they remember that even fifty years later, in 1970, women couldn’t get a real estate loan without a father or even ex-husband (no matter how crazy) to cosign as well as credit cards. In today’s existence, this sounds incredibly bizarre, but this is a world that the conservatives reveled in and when they long to return to the “good ol’ days” this is just part of what they are talking about. The Republicans are now a party of extremists and they have been working on slowly chipping away at women’s rights and freedoms, one at a time.

Historians agree that the single factor that launched the women’s rights movement of the 60’s and 70’s centered-around reproductive freedoms. Once women had the ability to control their own bodies as well as their choices to have children (or not), this catapulted a revolution for women to go to college in larger numbers for the purpose of achieving life-long professions. It also empowered women to make their own choices on sexuality without the confines and bindings of religious persecution, and for the first time, women could control their personal destinies.



A journalist that worked in the media and continues to seek out truth and integrity. A liberal and one that is suspicious of cults and empty promises.